


The last thing a business wants is to be known as an unreliable and poorly performing service, especially if there are similar solutions a few clicks away. So being aware of the performance of a WebRTC application or any other software solution is a must to avoid issues in the future. A solution can be developed by experienced people and tested before it is released, but even so it doesn’t mean performance degradations will never…

Loadero supports three feature-rich test frameworks: Javascript + Nightwatch Java + TestUI, Python + Py-TestUI, but to expand the functionality further, we also develop custom commands for more insightful performance and load testing. One of the recent additions to the custom commands to use in your Loadero test scripts is the timeExecution() command.  It is a common request among our users and customers to measure how long it takes to perform some actions in an…

Loadero API allows managing and running tests just as one would via the Loadero web application. However, sending an HTTP request every time a test needs to be created, updated, or run can become cumbersome. We already had a Java client, which makes the processes easier, and now Loadero team has been hard at work creating a new client and we are proud to present – Loadero-Python. The library provides the same functionality as Loadero’s…

Loadero is a versatile tool that can be used for different types of web application tests. In order to provide a comfortable way of running the tests that you need, we have different test modes. In this blog post, we describe each of those in detail so you can pick the appropriate one every time you are launching a test run. There are currently 3 available test modes to choose from when creating your own…

Quite often we get requests to provide support to migrate tests from the testRTC testing tool to our service. We try to provide support to our users to help make this transition as easy and flawless as possible. To ease the process further for other users with similar needs this blog post was created. If you are already in the progress of migration or just planning and estimating how big of a task this is,…