


According to IEEE Spectrum Python is the top programming language of 2021, and since April Loadero supports Python as a test script language. Many engineers agree that test automation with Python is an excellent choice, and in this blog post, we’ll show the basics of it. Python tests in Loadero use the Py-TestUI framework. Py-TestUI wraps and implements additional features for Selenium Python binding. This means that Loadero Python tests can utilize the full power…

One of the most important aspects of automated web application testing is having a good grasp of using locators. Locators allow retrieving DOM elements from the web page. Interacting with web elements during automated tests allows to create end-to-end tests that simulate real users behavior. In this blog post, we will talk about two types of locators – CSS selectors and XPath. CSS selectors CSS selectors are used to identify styled elements on a web…

How to make your script better in Nightwatch.js Congratulations on getting to part 4 of the “A beginner’s guide to test automation with Javascript (Nighwatch.js)” blog series! This part will help you to improve your test script (and make it cooler). We’ll explain different style suggestions and the overall script structure that we follow in Loadero to bring your script to a new level. Check out our previous parts to catch up: part 1: Introduction…

We have already wrote previously about how you can automate your testing routines without using the graphical interface but by using Loadero API instead. In this blog post we will show how you can integrate performance and load tests into your CI/CD workflows with the help of Github Actions. Github Actions allow you to automate and execute your development workflows directly from your repository which makes the integration very simple. We will take a look…

CPaaS (Communications Platform as a Service) is a cloud-based platform that enables developers to provide and improve real-time communications channels in their own application, by getting access to video, voice and messaging API’s without building their own back-end infrastructure, etc. With the growing demand for online communication, there has been a noticeable increase in platforms to provide just that. With such service comes high expectations in quality and usability to become the best! We hear…