
What’s New In Loadero (May 2020)

Despite the situation around the world getting a little bit better, we are still working from home and staying safe but that does not stop us from improving your Loadero experience and this month was no exception. Throughout the whole month of May, we were improving the performance and usability of our web application and API. You might notice a drop in network usage while using our app and overall smoother experience. Don’t worry about new features – they are coming soon.

Here’s a list of the main updates in Loadero this month:

  • We added support for Google Chrome 83 browser.
  • Fixed timing issue for linear increment strategy where some participants would start the test execution at the same time.
  • Improved media stream quality at the start of the test – media streams are at their top quality from the very beginning of test execution.
  • Fixed typo in one of our constant names: “asymmetric network”. We’ve stopped supporting the version with the typo and made sure that the existing tests keep running even if you had been using it.
  • Fixed an issue when sometimes WebRTC statistics would not get recorded.
  • Implemented additional aggregators for machine statistics.
  • General performance updates for Loadero application.

This was a lovely month and we are excited about the upcoming changes. If it is possible for you, stay home and stay safe. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter for the latest updates and share your feedback by contacting us.

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