
What’s New In Loadero (February 2020)

Another month has gone by and we have once again prepared you some great new features for Loadero! While it might have seemed that in the last few months nothing much had happened, we were actually busy at work and have some exciting features to deliver to you based on the product developments made! Most notably – improvements to concurrent test performance along with WebRTC statistics graphs in our result views.

Apart from being hard at work to deliver new features, this month Loadero visited Pause Fest 2020 in Melbourne! We had a great time in Melbourne, hopefully, we will be able to help more companies to deliver quality software in the future!

Here’s a list of the main updates in Loadero this month:

  • We added support for Google Chrome 80 and Mozilla Firefox 73 browsers.
  • There are two new increment strategies – “Linear group” and “Random group” increment strategy. This enables to have all groups join at the same time instead of individual group participants joining test one by one.
  • Assert preconditions are now fully supported in API. You can start creating preconditions for your existing asserts now, check out our documentation to see how to start using API. Assert preconditions will, of course, be added to Loadero web application in the near future.
  • We’ve added WebRTC statistics charts in test results! This is big news for anyone interested in the WebRTC statistics dump after a Loadero test. These charts are available in single participant results view for any participant using Google Chrome with WebRTC dump available. Now you are able to inspect the statistics in a visualized format without having to inspect the dump itself.
  • A long-awaited feature for all our customers running their own AWS accounts – tests started in client AWS accounts now use a separate queue, meaning that they will be executed concurrently with other tests. This will minimize waiting times for anyone who has set up their AWS account as well as improve the performance to other users as well.
  • As usual, we have been working on different new features and bug fixes as well. If you find a bug in Loadero, please let us know so we can fix it as soon as possible!

We are really pleased with how February has turned out for us and we hope that you had a great month too! Check out our latest features, keep running tests and if you have any feedback about existing features or something you would like to see in Loadero, please share it with us so we can build a better future together!

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