
performance tests


Welcome to our blog post about unlocking the full potential of Loadero beyond its Web App interface. While the Loadero Web App provides a user-friendly platform for conducting end-to-end tests with a global reach, did you know that you can also create, manage, and execute tests using the Command Line Interface (CLI)? In this blog post, we will guide you through the essential steps to harness Loadero’s CLI, including the test generator, test manager, test…

Intentions The main goal of the research was to study and analyse the performance of WebRTC solutions provided by various CPaaS (Communications Platform as a Service) vendors. To help our customers that use Loadero to test the WebRTC performance of their web apps, we found it useful to be aware of what to expect from different vendors, what the rest of the industry offers and which CPaaS solution would best fit their needs. For this…

Loadero is a versatile tool that can be used for different types of web application tests. In order to provide a comfortable way of running the tests that you need, we have different test modes. In this blog post, we describe each of those in detail so you can pick the appropriate one every time you are launching a test run. There are currently 3 available test modes to choose from when creating your own…

Quite often we get requests to provide support to migrate tests from the testRTC testing tool to our service. We try to provide support to our users to help make this transition as easy and flawless as possible. To ease the process further for other users with similar needs this blog post was created. If you are already in the progress of migration or just planning and estimating how big of a task this is,…

There are many programming languages that can be used for test automation. Loadero supports 3: Java (TestUI framework), Python (Py-TestUI framework), and JavaScript (Nightwatch.js framework). Test automation with Java is quite popular, in fact, the second most popular framework of choice when it comes to writing test scripts in Loadero is TestUI. In this blog post, we’ll describe the basics, most commonly used elements, and methods and give an example of a test script written…