


There are many programming languages that can be used for test automation. Loadero supports 3: Java (TestUI framework), Python (Py-TestUI framework), and JavaScript (Nightwatch.js framework). Test automation with Java is quite popular, in fact, the second most popular framework of choice when it comes to writing test scripts in Loadero is TestUI. In this blog post, we’ll describe the basics, most commonly used elements, and methods and give an example of a test script written…

Intro Have you ever wondered, while manually creating tests in Loadero, that it would be nice to have some library that you can use to create tests programmatically? Sounds nice, isn’t it? Well, luckily, Loadero does have this option now. In this blog post I would like to introduce you to the recent creation of Loadero’s team — Loadero Java library. This Java library utilizes Loadero’s API to provide you with convenient programmatic calls that…

We recognize that there are different ways to test your applications other than using Javascript (Nightwatch). Loadero users were requesting Java language for writing test scripts. Also we felt that this addition would benefit our service hugely. Therefore, we are happy to announce that Loadero now supports Java for testing by utilizing TestUI – a test automation framework by TestDevLab. TestUI is based on Appium and Selenide, two of the most powerful, all-round test automation…