
Loadero Team


We are sure this year holds exciting challenges and opportunities for Loadero and sincerely wish the same for you. As we are already a full month into 2022, it is a great time to share the latest updates our team made to Loadero. Here is what was added to our tool recently. Improvements to the test results reports Recently we made multiple changes to the result reports Loadero provides after each test run. One of…

The busy month of November full of fun times and hard work has finished and it’s time to share the updates we made to Loadero during the month. We added new media files for participant’s webcam simulation, made various performance improvements, added browsers and published the last post in our popular series about using Javascript for test automation. Here’s a list of the main updates in Loadero this month: New video files When you are…

October is over and it’s time to share the newest updates to Loadero that were made during the month. We’ve been working on adding a WebRTC metrics table for a long time, and are very happy to announce that it is available in the results reports. This update makes it very easy to find out about some of the possible issues in video calls. While this might be the most important of the news, we…

September was a busy month for our team. With some of the vacations still happening, we worked hard to make our tool even better for you and also created and ran tests for some of our customers. While work on some features is still in progress, in this blog post we share what was changed in Loadero in September. New browser versions added Mozilla Firefox 92, Google Chrome 93 and 94 were released recently and…

August was a month with multiple vacations in our team, but it didn’t make our work lag. Some important changes were made last month and we are glad to announce how we improved our tool recently and what you can do to make your Loadeo tests even better, more relevant and insightful. Added support for choosing audio and video feeds separately Loadero is used by many of our customers to test video calling, video conferencing…