
Loadero Team


We’ve been working on many new features and improvements for Loadero, both large and small. And now we are excited to share the updates and some information about even bigger updates coming soon. Here is what changed in Loadero recently: We upgraded NightWatch to version 2.3.0 In Loadero we use the NightWatch framework for tests written in Javascript, and we really like it. We actually mostly use it when we are creating tests for our…

It’s been a while since we published our latest product updates, but the work on Loadero wasn’t paused. Our team was busy working on the newest features to make your performance testing with Loadero more convenient and effective. Today we are excited to share the latest updates to our tool: better results availability through the API, more aggregator functions for asserts and metric tables, new browser versions added, improved performance, and a detailed description of…

April was a busy month with some significant improvements made to Loadero. While most of them aren’t really visible in the tool itself, they make Loadero work better and allow to use it even more efficiently. Here’s a list of the main updates in Loadero this month: Performance improvements Loadero helps our customers improve the performance of their web applications and our main goal is to provide a great tool for that, so improving Loadero’s…

In the busy month of March, we finished working on the development of some new features for Loadero, two of which were requested by our valued customers. Work on some of the features started quite a long time ago and is finally finished. We are proud to share the news about our tool, here is what we got for you this time: New script variables are available Loadero offers variables that can be accessed in…

Last month of winter is over and the spirit of spring is already in the air. We did a lot of work to improve Loadero last month, but the last week of February was filled with shocking events for us, as it was for the whole world. We support the people of Ukraine suffering from what happens in their country right now and every day we hope that it ends soon. There is nothing more…