
Comparing Loadero and testRTC for WebRTC testing

When it comes to WebRTC testing, there aren’t many feature-rich tools on the market. Loadero is one of those, testRTC is another widely known option, so we get questions about how those two compare frequently. To give a detailed answer to that question, we published this blog post in which we attempted to make a comprehensive comparison of the two tools. Both Loadero and testRTC services are good options to measure WebRTC performance of different solutions that use the technology, both services provide vast possibilities for configuring tests to simulate certain test scenarios for your WebRTC app. They both return WebRTC statistics as an output. Still, there are some features and differences to compare in order to make the right decision about which of the tools fulfills your WebRTC testing needs. We’ll start with short overviews.

Overview of testRTC

testRTC provides the possibility to run tests from 10 different locations using the Google Chrome browser for simulating real users. It supports reusable test scripts, which are web UI automation scripts written using JavaScript language. It’s important for WebRTC testing that it also allows configuring network conditions and media settings to return WebRTC statistics as test run results.

Overview of Loadero

Loadero also allows the launch of tests on Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers to simulate real users during test runs. Its web UI automation scripts can be written using 3 languages: JavaScript, Java, and Python. Loadero test scripts can be executable from 12 locations around the globe, network connection parameters and media settings can be configured for all the test participants. Loadero also returns WebRTC statistics as test run results.

Comparing the tools

Loadero and testRTC require users to create and configure tests, which includes writing a test script to be executed during test runs. If a user doesn’t have the necessary skills, both services offer test creation services done by their teams. 

A test consists of a test script and the configuration of the virtual users. Virtual users, which are actually cloud-hosted automated browsers, are referred to as “participants” by Loadero, whereas testRTC chooses to refer to theirs as “probes”. 

Test configuration

Usually creation of a new test begins with its configuration – setting test-wide parameters that define the behavior of the test and all its participants.  Despite the fact that Loadero and testRTC are both using cloud-hosted browsers and web UI automation, test settings between Loadero and testRTC differ quite significantly.

Test settings in Loadero

Besides the Title, users in Loadero are required to configure the following test settings:

  • Test mode
    There are 3 test modes in Loadero:
    • Performance test is suitable for running small-scale tests (50 concurrent participants or less) but besides WebRTC stats this mode provides other handy data, such as client-side machine resources usage stats.
    • Load test is suitable for testing scalability by running thousands of concurrent participants.
    • Session record test, which provides a recording of what happened on each participant’s screen during the test script execution
  • Start interval
    The parameter also often called ramp-up time in other services describes the total amount of time in which all participants start the test run.
  • Increment strategy
    Specifies participant distribution over start interval when beginning test execution. The parameter gives control over test participants accessing the tested solution to prevent hitting a DDoS protection, make sure some user flows are started earlier than others, or simulate real-life users that join with random delays.
  • Participant timeout
    Specifies the time limit for the test script execution by each individual participant. This is necessary to prevent too-long test execution that may happen in cases when defined commands may freeze or require longer execution times. 

Test settings in testRTC

Users in testRTC are required to configure the following test settings:

  • Concurrent probes
    The amount of concurrent probes defines how many probes (simulated users) will execute the test simultaneously.
  • Session size
    Session size defines the size of a particular test session, which is run in parallel with other test sessions (if multiple are created). For example, if the number of concurrent probes is set to 2, and the session size is set to 1, then 2 parallel test sessions will be created, each with one probe. Each probe will have 2 parameters – a unique ID inside the session and a session ID.

Apart from required fields, the user may configure optional fields as well:

  • Webhook
    A webhook that will be called at the end of a test run execution.
  • Run options
    Run options define other advanced test settings, like timeout or turning off ignoring of browser warnings, or enabling the collection of webrtc-internals.
  • Service URL
    Points to service where test execution is started, allowing tracking probes manually.

Difference between Loadero and testRTC simulated users distribution

Probe distribution in testRTC:Participant/group distribution in Loadero
testRTC tends to equally distribute probes and probe configurations between test sessions (if multiple are created). For example, if a user has created 2 machine profiles A and B and set concurrent probes to 4 and session size to 2, then 2 sessions are going to be created, each with 2 probes – one with machine profile A, another one with profile B.Participants and participant groups are distributed according to instructions defined in the test script. It is possible to create multiple different sessions and assign one or multiple specific groups or participants to a given session with the help of Loadero variables, but it is the user’s responsibility to manage groups and participants between sessions. Each participant’s settings are configured separately.

Test script creation

Both Loadero and testRTC require users to write test scripts by themselves using programming languages. Although the general idea of a web UI automation script execution in cloud-hosted browsers is the same for both tools, there are many differences in details.

Comparison of supported languages

Both tools allow users to write test scripts in Javascript with the use of Nightwatch.js framework. It is the only test scripting option in testRTC, while Loadero also supports Java with TestUI framework and Python with Py-TestUI framework.

Comparison of custom commands

To expand the capabilities in creating test scenarios, both Loadero and testRTC have developed several custom commands – mostly these commands allow to change network settings, take screenshots, ignore browser alerts and other commands to simulate different real-life actions and conditions for WebRTC testing.

DescriptiontestRTCLoadero (JS + Nightwatch)
Update network settings.rtcSetNetwork
Take a screenshot.rtcScreenshot().takeScreenshot()
Upload/Set a file.setFile()
Wait for the download to finish.waitForDownloadFinished()
Set a request header.setRequestHeader()
Set User-agent.setUserAgent()
Ignore a browser alert.ignoreAlert()
Measure a step’s completion time.rtcStartTimer()
perform() with timeout.performTimed()
Debug commands.rtcInfo()
Assertion and expectation commands.rtcSetTestExpectation() .rtcSetEventsExpectation() .rtcSetCustomExpectation()

Important: Because the tools are different in many ways, the lack of some custom commands does not necessarily mean that such a feature is not present. For example, Loadero does not have custom commands for “Assertion and expectation”, but it allows setting assertions as performance metric expectations in the test configuration without scripting. 

Simulated users configuration in Loadero and testRTC

Simulated users in Loadero are called “Participants”, but in testRTC –  “probes”, the configuration of which are referred to as “participant settings“ and “machine profiles” accordingly.

Configuration settings

Ability to change the test agent’s browser 
Ability to change the test agent’s location 
Ability to set test agent’s media to simulate web camera and microphone
Ability to change test agent’s network conditions
Ability to set how many test agents will have given test agent configuration
Ability to set Firewall settings
Compute Units
Ability to set how powerful the simulated user’s machine will be
Ability to set group simulated users into clusters

Now let’s take a closer look at the parameters and how exactly their available options differ in both tools.


Google Chrome Stable (v107)
Google Chrome Unstable (v109)
Google Chrome Beta (108)
Google Chrome Prev Stable(106)
Google Chrome 106
Google Chrome 107
Google Chrome 108
Google Chrome 109
Google Chrome 110
Google Chrome 110.0.5481.77
Mozilla Firefox 106
Mozilla Firefox 107
Mozilla Firefox 108
Mozilla Firefox 109
Mozilla Firefox 110
Mozilla Firefox 110.0

Note: as of the time of publication of this blog; the newest version of Google Chrome is v 110.0.5481.100, Mozilla Firefox is v110.0.


Simulation of users in different locations is an important part of testing WebRTC applications. Users can be spread around the globe and the latency can affect the quality of audio and video the users get in an application. 

East US
West US
US East – Oregon
US East – North Virginia
US West – Oregon
EU Cental – Frankfurt
EU West –  Ireland
EU West – Paris
AP East – Hong Kong
AP Northeast – Tokyo
AP Northeast – Seoul
AP South – Mumbai
AP Southeast – Sydney
SA East – Sao Paulo

Media configuration

Media configuration allows users to choose what type of media will be used in the browsers to simulate the usage of webcams and microphones by simulated users. testRTC provides 11 predefined media presets, whilst in Loadero users are able to configure media and audio separately, resulting in 264 possible media configurations.

Note: Loadero video and audio bitrate values are uncompressed.

testRTCLoadero – VideoLoadero – Audio
VOA-VGA Video:640×480, 2948 Kbps
Audio:121 Kbps

KrankyGeek-1080p Video:1920×1080, 8069 Kbps
Audio:173 Kbps

Salsa-720p Video:1280×720, 9667 Kbps
Audio:192 Kbps

Video:320×240, 758 Kbps
Audio:128 Kbps

VOA-VGA04 Video:640×480, 2948 Kbps
Audio:121 Kbps

VOA-VGA10 Video:640×480, 2948 Kbps
Audio:121 Kbps

Audio:98 Kbps

Audio: 128 Kbps

Audio: 128 Kbps

Audio: 128 Kbps

Video: 192×96, 354 Kbps
1080p video feed
746 497 Kbps

1080p @ 15/30/5 FPS dynamic video
373 248 / 746 497/ 124 416 Kbps

1080p video feed with center marker
746 497 Kbps

1080p video feed with top left side marker
746 497 Kbps

1080p @ 30FPS meeting video
746 497 Kbps

240p video feed
36 807 Kbps

240p @ 15/30/5FPS dynamic video
18 403 / 36 807 / 6 134 Kbps

240p video feed with top left side marker
36 807 Kbps

240p @ 30FPS meeting video
36 807 Kbps

360p video feed
82 945 Kbps

360p @ 15/30/5FPS dynamic video
41 472 / 82 945 / 13 824 Kbps

360p video feed with top left side marker
82 945 Kbps

360p @ 30FPS meeting video
82 945 Kbps

480p video feed
147 572 Kbps

480p @ 15/30/15FPS dynamic video 73 786 / 147 572 / 24 595 Kbps

480p video feed with top left side marker
147 572 Kbps

480p @ 30FPS meeting video
147 572 Kbps

720p video feed
331 777 Kbps

720p @ 15/30/5FPS dynamic video
165 888 / 331 777 / 55 296 Kbps

720p video feed with marker
331 777 Kbps

720p video feed with top left side marker
331 777 Kbps

720p @ 30FPS meeting video
331 777 Kbps

Default video feed (browser built-in video)
DTMF tone audio feed
44,1 kHz
2 channels
1 411 Kbps

128kbps audio feed
44,1 kHz
2 channels
1 411 Kbps

-20dB audio feed
44,1 kHz
2 channels
1 411 Kbps

-30dB audio feed
44,1 kHz
2 channels
1 411 Kbps

-50dB audio feed
44,1 kHz
2 channels
1 411 Kbps

Silent audio feed
44,1 kHz
2 channels
1 411 Kbps

ViSQOL speech audio feed
44,1 kHz
2 channels
1 411 Kbps

Default audio feed (browser built-in audio)
Example of fake media in Loadero

Network settings

Both tools have features to introduce some network limitations for the simulated users. This is a very important feature for WebRTC testing, since it allows checking the quality of audio and video users with network connection imperfections will have.

Important: Network for Loadero is given in incoming/outgoing format. If no value is given, then the network is not limited.

No throttlingDefault
Regular 4G
Bandwidth: 4 Mbps
Latency: 10ms Packet loss: 0.1%
4G network
Bandwidth: 100mbps / 50mbps
Latency: 45ms
Packet loss: 0.2%
Jitter: 5ms/ 15ms
Regular 3G
Bandwidth: 1200 Kbps
Latency: 20 ms
Packet loss: 0.2%
3G network
Bandwidth: 1200kbps
Latency: 250ms
Packet loss: 0.5%
Jitter: 50ms
Bandwidth: 20 mbps / 10 mbps Packet loss: 0.5% Latency: 150ms Jitter: 10ms
Bandwidth: 10 Mbps
Latency: 10ms
Packet loss: 0.1%
Bandwidth: 500kbps / 1000kbps
Latency: 50ms
JItter: 10ms
Bandwidth: 30 Mbps
Latency: 30ms
Packet loss: 0.1%
Regular 2G
Bandwidth: 250 kbps
Latency: 50ms
Packet loss: 1%
Bandwidth: 80 kbps / 20kbps
Packet loss: 1%
Latency: 650 ms
Jitter: 100ms
Bandwidth: 500 Kbps
Latency: 80ms
Packet loss: 1%
Edge Bandwidth: 200 kbps
Wifi High packet loss
Bandwidth: 30 Mbps
Latency: 40ms
Packet loss: 5%
Poor 3G
Bandwidth: 1200 kbps
Latency: 90ms
Packet loss: 5%
Poor 4G
Bandwidth: 4000 kbps
Latency: 90ms
Packet loss: 5%
Unstable 4G
Bandwidth: 4 Mbps
Latency: 500ms
Packet loss: 10%
Very Bad Network
Bandwidth: 1 Mbps
Latency: 500ms
Packet loss: 10%
Satellite phone
Bandwidth: 1000 kbps / 256 kbps
Latency: 600ms
Call Drop
Bandwidth: 50 kbps
Latency: 500ms
Packet loss: 20%
100% packet loss
Packet loss: 100%
50% Packet Loss
Bandwidth: 40 Mbps
Latency: 10ms
Packet loss: 50%
20% packet loss
Packet loss: 20%
10% packet loss
Packet loss: 10%
5% packet loss
Packet loss: 5%
High Latency 4G
Bandwidth: 4 mbps
Latency: 600ms
Packet loss: 0.2%
High Packet Loss 4G
Bandwidth: 4 mbps
Latency: 5ms
Packet loss: 20%
High Latency
Latency: 500ms
Jitter: 50ms
High jitter
Latency: 200ms
Jitter: 100ms
Custom with use of a custom commandCustom with use of a custom command

Aside from network configuration, testRTC allows setting one of four firewall values:

  • No Firewall
  • FW – HTTPS Allowed
  • FW – HTTP and HTTPS Allowed
  • FW – Baseline

Assertion of performance metrics

Whilst testing there might be a need to verify and assert certain metrics’ values, instead of manually inspecting and analyzing WebRTC statistics. Both Loadero and testRTC deliver assertion functionality to the user, yet do this in different ways.

Assertion in testRTC

Metrics assertion in testRTC is achieved by calling the following methods in the test script:





where String is a particular metric’s assertion. For media metric assertion the following String format is required:


  • media_format has 2 possible values = audio and video;
  • direction shall be in or out;
  • channels level is optional and upon calling evaluates the bitrate of each channel separately;
  • criteria consists of the metric to be compared, the operator, and the expected value, f.e., video.in > 0. The following comparison operators are available:
  • ==
  • >
  • <
  • >=
  • <=
  • !=

As for metrics, these metrics may be asserted:

  • Number of channels
  • Emptiness of channel
  • Bitrate (max/min postfix available)
  • Packets loss (%)
  • Packets lost
  • Data
  • Packets
  • Roundtrip
  • Jitter
  • Codec
  • FPS
  • Width and/or Height

Failed assertions are shown in the “Overview” section in test results; if an assertion fails, then the test itself does as well.

Apart from media, it is possible to assert probe and performance metrics

Assertion creation in testRTC

Assertion in Loadero

Metrics assertion in Loadero is achieved by creating one in the “Asserts” tab of the “Test Creation” page. The creation of asserts happens in the following way:

  1. Select statistic
    audio and video statistics are available for WebRTC testing; apart from them, CPU, network and RAM machine statistics are available.
  2. Select measurement
    The user can select the following measurements for a given statistic:
  1. Select direction – In or Out
  2. Select aggregator:
    • 1st
    • 25th
    • 50th
    • 5th
    • 75th
    • 95th
    • 99th
    • avg
    • max
    • rstddev
    • stddev
    • total
  3. Select operator:
    • Regex
    • ==
    • >
    • <
    • >=
    • <=
    • !=
  4. Enter Expected value

Apart from asserts, preconditions also can be configured in Loadero. Basically, preconditions specify which test agents’ metrics will be asserted based on that test agent’s configuration.

Assertion creation in Loadero

WebRTC statistics in results reports

Both Loadero and testRTC tests return various WebRTC statistics as test output and are able to analyze WebRTC statistics both for any particular simulated user and for the entire test run in total.

WebRTC statistictestRTCLoadero
Bitrate In/Out
For audio and video
Packets In/Out
For audio and video
Packets Lost In/Out
For audio and video
Jitter In/Out
For audio and video
Level In/Out
For audio 
Round Trip Time (RTT)
For audio and video
For audio and video
Frame Height/Width
For video
For video
For video
MOS Score
For audio 
Test report in testRTC
Test report in Loadero

More detailed WebRTC statistics include:

WebRTC statistictestRTCLoadero
Signaling State✅ (logs)
Connection name
ICE Connection state (logs)
Remote Inbound/Outbound RTP
Inbound/Outbound RTP
Track (ID)
Candidate pair
Media source
WebRTC internal dump (downloadable)
Example of detailed WebRTC Statistics in Loadero
Example of detailed WebRTC Statistics in Loadero 

In conclusion, both Loadero and testRTC are robust options for WebRTC testing. While they share similar features and functionality, one tool can be superior in some cases, but the other one in different cases. There is no and may not be ‘absolute winner’ – it depends on the user’s perception of the value that a certain tool brings for the user’s specific needs. 

It is up to you to carefully consider the differences mentioned here and determine which tool is the best fit for your testing needs and what value it will bring to your development process.
We hope that this blog helped you out in selecting the appropriate tool but we do highly recommend requesting a demo for both tools to make an informed decision by comparing both tools in action.