
load test


When running automated tests frequently on your website, at one point it may be essential to keep your website statistics consistent with correct visitor counts, conversions, and geo-location data. The impact of such skewed data from automation can lead to pricy mistakes for incorrect ad targeting and the business economy statistics, hence it can be important to exclude test automation from analytics data. First off, please keep in mind that if possible do not run…

Loadero supports three feature-rich test frameworks: Javascript + Nightwatch Java + TestUI, Python + Py-TestUI, but to expand the functionality further, we also develop custom commands for more insightful performance and load testing. One of the recent additions to the custom commands to use in your Loadero test scripts is the timeExecution() command.  It is a common request among our users and customers to measure how long it takes to perform some actions in an…

Loadero is a versatile tool that can be used for different types of web application tests. In order to provide a comfortable way of running the tests that you need, we have different test modes. In this blog post, we describe each of those in detail so you can pick the appropriate one every time you are launching a test run. There are currently 3 available test modes to choose from when creating your own…

There are many programming languages that can be used for test automation. Loadero supports 3: Java (TestUI framework), Python (Py-TestUI framework), and JavaScript (Nightwatch.js framework). Test automation with Java is quite popular, in fact, the second most popular framework of choice when it comes to writing test scripts in Loadero is TestUI. In this blog post, we’ll describe the basics, most commonly used elements, and methods and give an example of a test script written…

Loadero is a SaaS (software as a service) for testing web applications and our main target is to provide a powerful tool to our users, so they can create load tests, performance tests, and WebRTC tests for their needs. But sometimes a proper tool is not enough to execute tests: some companies don’t have enough manpower, others might not have enough expertise in the QA field, yet testing is required for every web application. That’s…