
What’s New In Loadero (July 2023)

After a quiet June, we again have multiple functionality updates as well as fixes to share with you!

Fake custom commands for local development

Loadero offers a handful of custom commands aside from the frameworks’ base functionality, such as the ability to change network settings mid-test, timing the execution of specific steps, etc. However, this meant that performing local script development and debugging was made more difficult. If a test was failing in Loadero, you could not just copy paste the script to a local project and debug it from there. Now, you may import fake custom commands packages to your project, which will allow you to run these tests locally as well, without having to remove all calls to custom commands.

You can find the packages, as well as additional information on them and how the fake custom commands work here: Nightwatch.js, TestUI, Py-TestUI. If there is additional information you would like to find out, feel free to write to us in the web chat or shoot us an email, we will try to get to you ASAP!

Loadero-Python functionality improvements

Loadero-Python is a client that allows managing tests via Loadero API. We made a convenience update for the client, so that you no longer have to provide an access token every time you want to download an artifact or log. You only need to do it the one time that is necessary to initialize the APIClient, and the client will automatically use the provided token when downloading artifacts/logs.

New charts library

We switched to a new charts library to represent WebRTC and machine statistics. You can observe the changes by opening any chart for these statistics. Here is an example of what these new charts look like:

Chart library preview

Performance improvements

During the past two months we have made significant improvements in result processing speed, which will be noticeable for tests with thousands of participants. We have also increased concurrency so that tests with high amounts of results that need to be processed don’t take up the entire result processing queue – smaller tests will get processed concurrently.

Support for new browser versions

We have added support for three more browser versions – one way back in June, and the other two this month:

  • Mozilla Firefox 114;
  • Mozilla Firefox 115;
  • Google Chrome 115.

Other fixes and improvements

Back in June we also fixed an issue where Javascript and Python test runs would not update browser logs with console output. Browser logs are now better sources of information as a result.

We also made a variety of small fixes to the new test builder (if you haven’t had the chance to try out the new test builder yet, here’s a blog article about it!), as well as a fix to improve the stability of the initialization phase for test runs, and some accessibility improvements to the landing page.

Thank you for tuning in for this month’s (and to a lesser extent – June’s) updates! As always, we are actively working on improving our tool and we hope to reveal at least one of the big things we have been working on in the next updates post!