
What’s New In Loadero (April 2023)

While we did not have any updates to share in the month of March, we were steadily working on multiple improvements and new features, many of which have successfully been finalized in April. Please refer to the rest of this blog post to see what has changed in Loadero.

Test run initialization time improvements

If you run tests often, especially load tests, you may at times have experienced that your test runs remain in the “Pending” status for a good while due to other test runs taking up our servers at the same time. With the improvements we have made in parallelization you should find yourself in this situation less often.

However, if you do find yourself in a situation where your test run is stuck in the “Pending” status and there is no particular significance regarding what location the participants are connecting from, you may try changing these participants’ configurations to a different location. Other locations may be experiencing lesser loads and as a result your test may be able to launch pretty much immediately!

Aside from that,  you may have felt that tests were taking a longer time in the “Initializing environment” status than they used to. We have made adjustments to bring the initialization time back down, closer to what used to be the typical initialization time. 

Result processing time improvements

We have improved the performance of the result collection process, so that tests will not get stuck in this phase for as long. While the difference will likely be unnoticeable for smaller tests, there should be quite a difference in tests with hundreds of participants.

New project creation form

We have re-designed the project creation form to a more modern design.


This new design adds multiple improvements, such as:

  • Being able to add an avatar immediately at the project’s inception, instead of doing it after the project has been created.
  • Being able to upgrade to a plan immediately.
  • Belated trial consumption – the user is no longer forced to use up their trial when creating their first project. If the user wishes to retain their account’s trial, they may do so. If a project is created without a trial, they may navigate to “Project Settings -> Plan & Usage” and choose to use their trial for this project there. Do note that each account has only one trial available.


Artifact/log download progress is now trackable

If you at any point had to download a large artifact or log, you may have noticed that you cannot observe the download progress. The downloaded item simply appeared in your browser’s downloads only once it was fully downloaded but during the download you would have no clue as to how much longer you need to wait. We have made adjustments so that the user may now observe the current download progress of the item they are downloading.

WebRTC metrics and asserts now available for session recording tests

Until recently session recording tests did not collect any metrics. Due to past improvements mentioned in our previous update we were able to begin collecting WebRTC metrics for session recording tests. Since these metrics are now available for session recording tests, the ability to assert these metrics has been added to session recording tests as well.

Support for new browser versions

As new browser versions have come out since the last update, we have added Loadero support for all of them, these versions being:

  • Google Chrome 111;
  • Google Chrome 112;
  • Mozilla Firefox 111;
  • Mozilla Firefox 112.

We hope to give you another batch of updates next month, as there are some things we are rather proud of in the works that are nearing completion. Stay tuned for more updates and feel free to subscribe to our newsletter to be the first one to find out about Loadero news!