


The demand for running WebRTC tests is growing and we keep working on Loadero to fill our customers needs both for available WebRTC testing features and providing detailed and valuable test results reports. Today we will take a look at how to set up a simple WebRTC video conference application, write a multi-role test, and test it using Loadero. This blog post was originally published in TestDevLab blog. In order to accomplish our goal, we’ll be doing…

There are cases in performance and load tests, when during test execution it’s required to upload a file. If your website allows users to upload files, for example account avatar or any other type, file upload testing is absolutely necessary to test the bounds of this functionality. This testing task may be tricky, as file upload utilizes the native file system prompt to select the desired file with which automated testing frameworks can’t interact. Today…

Today we will take a look at runtime assertions while using the Javascript programming language with Nightwatch framework. This feature is very useful in various applications, but, for example, we will take a look at one of the most popular use cases for it in Loadero – using runtime assertion to wait for page load in Selenium and execute an assert after. By using runtime assertions, you minimize dependence on post-run asserts and manual log…

It is easy to test a web application using Loadero by writing a simple test script. But sometimes a more complex test is required, for example, when one participant acts as an administrator that sets up the video call room, and other participants are just joining it as attendees. In such cases the test needs to handle different test flows to achieve expected results, and different participants have to perform different actions in the same…

In any kind of test, it is crucial to understand how your test performed – see the passing rate, detailed statistics of various metrics and sometimes even logs. In different cases you may be interested in different web application performance metrics. We take results reports seriously and Loadero has very useful features for viewing and analyzing test results. Sometimes you need to see only some basic information such as success rate, but other times you…