
Vladimirs Tančiks


At Loadero we always look for ways to improve our product and make it more robust, secure, and maintainable. As we add more features to our product, the complexity of our code base increases and it makes it more difficult to add or refactor the code without introducing regressions of the functionality. Since our frontend was written in plain Javascript and React, there was no way to ensure type safety of passed data between components…

One of the most important aspects of automated web application testing is having a good grasp of using locators. Locators allow retrieving DOM elements from the web page. Interacting with web elements during automated tests allows to create end-to-end tests that simulate real users behavior. In this blog post, we will talk about two types of locators – CSS selectors and XPath. CSS selectors CSS selectors are used to identify styled elements on a web…

We have already wrote previously about how you can automate your testing routines without using the graphical interface but by using Loadero API instead. In this blog post we will show how you can integrate performance and load tests into your CI/CD workflows with the help of Github Actions. Github Actions allow you to automate and execute your development workflows directly from your repository which makes the integration very simple. We will take a look…

Why you should use API to launch test runs Sometimes using a graphical user interface isn’t enough to fulfill your daily tasks, especially when you start automating your testing routines. Imagine a scenario, when you perform a regression test on a piece of functionality every time you push a new release or merge your code to a particular branch. It would be a nightmare to manually run those tests every time, especially if your team…