
What’s New In Loadero (July 2021)

It’s summer, a pleasant time for taking a vacation and having some rest. While members of the Loadero team take holidays too, work on improving our service to serve customer’s needs is never interrupted. In this blog post we are sharing updates to our application that took place in July.

A custom command for closing alerts

We have added a custom command for closing alert, if it is open. Command will close alerts opened by alert(), prompt() or confirm() JavaScript functions. There can be different uses to the command in your tests, but one of the common ones is using it when a test participant is taking a screenshot, as alerts prevent from doing it. Use the client.ignoreAlert(); in your tests, and if you need an example of use, make sure to visit our wiki page about this custom command.

Close alert

Nightwatch.js update

Many of our customers write tests in Javascript, and Loadero uses the Nightwatch.js framework for this. Last month we updated it in Loadero to version 1.7.6., released this June. Besides general improvements, we also added missing logs for calling the .click() command. We know this is an anticipated update, our users were complaining about the missing logs, so now we are proud to say that they are added in Loadero.


WebRTC metrics graphs for test participants with Mozilla Firefox

It is quite popular among our users to test WebRTC applications with Loadero. With demand for video calling and video conferencing services still growing, more and more of them need to be properly performance tested. Previously WebRTC graphs were provided only for test participants with Google Chrome in the test run results reports, but now we finally added the same for participants with Mozilla firefox. It became easier now to compare metrics of participants with different browsers.

WebRTC metrics

More assertions for your tests

Are you using assertions in your Loadero tests? If you do, make sure to start using the newest ones added. We added inbound jitter values for asserts and also more asserts for client-side machine metrics and network data. If you haven’t set any of those in your tests yet, make sure to learn how post-run assertions can help you save time analyzing the test run result reports.


New blog posts to help you use Loadero

Since our last news update two great posts to help you learn to use Loadero more effectively were published. One is part 3 of our popular “Beginner’s Guide To Test Automation With Javascript(Nightwatch.js)” series. It explains what are callbacks and how to use them in your test scripts, and also explains a challenging concept of command queue in Nightwatch.js. Learn to use those to be able to create more complex and relevant tests for your needs.

Another post is about Loadero’s Java library, which utilizes Loadero’s API to provide you with convenient programmatic calls that allow you to read, copy, create, update, delete tests, asserts, preconditions, test’s groups and participants and also launch tests. You will find a detailed explanation of an example using Maven project to guide you through all the necessary steps to start using the Java library for your current or next project.

Blog posts

Latest versions of browsers added

As always, our team worked hard to add the newest released browser versions to Loadero as soon as possible, and you can configure Google Chrome 92 or Mozilla Firefox 90 for your test participants. Make sure to check if your application works fine with the new versions.


Updating our application design

While our team works hard to improve Loadero and adding new features, we don’t forget about the application’s appearance too. A recent design update made button styles unified to make Loadero more pleasant to use. More changes are coming soon.


Expected VAT amount in checkout

Loadero is a company registered in the EU, but our customers and users are spread around the world. So taxes are applied differently for companies registered in and outside the EU. We want to make sure that it is easy to estimate your cost of Loadero use at any point, so in July we added the expected VAT amount in checkout. This can help notice if the VAT number wasn’t input correctly, for example.

These are all the updates made to Loadero during the last month. Is there a feature you’d like to see in Loadero, that is not present yet? Let us know, we take customer’s opinions seriously and your feedback is very appreciated.