
What’s New In Loadero (January 2021)

We have set some ambitious targets for 2021 in making Loadero an even better service to help our customers testing web applications easier, write scripts more comfortably and get detailed results reports that can be analyzed quickly for valuable insights about their app’s performance. With the first month of 2021 just ended, we would like to share some recently added improvements to Loadero application.

Nightwatch.js and script editor

A lot of Loadero users are creating test scripts in Javascript with the use of  Nightwatch.js. To bring the latest features and bug fixes, we have updated Nightwatch to the newest available version, that is v.1.5.1.. Another update to improve test creation experience, more precisely, the script writing part, was made to the script editor. We are happy to announce that the script editing experience got way better with the new Monaco editor from Visual Studio Code, that many of you are already familiar with.

Writing a script in Laodero

New browsers support

We are always trying to quickly add the newest browser version to Loadero once it is out, so our users can use it in their tests and check the performance of their application on it. So Google Chrome 88 and Mozilla Firefox 85 are now available in Loadero for assigning to your test participants along with four previous versions of each of the browsers.

Setting a participant browser in Loadero

Changes to result reports

Detailed test run result reports we have in Loadero are something we are very proud of, but we are constantly still trying to improve them for our customers. We have added the “Max available CPU” metric to the machine statistics both in summary and per participant. 

Another new addition to allow you to work with results reports even more efficiently is the option to filter result participants by different parameters. This feature has been long-awaited and is finally delivered. Now you can filter participants by various criteria, such as browser, location, run status, etc.

New machine statistics field

User experience improvement

We have improved navigation in the app by storing the previous position in the list when navigating around. For example, when you have many results, when exiting the test edit view for a test that is located on the 2nd page, now will redirect to the 2nd page instead of the 1st. 

Error messages in different web forms were updated to improve UX and help new users understand workflows in Loadero more easily.

Depreciation warning

We will be deprecating the machine_stats field in the single participant results. The data will be moved to another endpoint, the link to the data will be available through log_paths.rru field in GET /v2/projects/{id}/tests/{id}/runs/{id}/results/{id}/ request response.

Other changes

We have added more filtering options to our API too. Now it allows filtering different resources in even finer detail.

Another update important for our API users: we have renamed assert_paths to metric_paths and assert_key to metric_key and added redirects to the new routes during the transition period. 

An issue where setRequestHeader() custom command took into account header value capitalization even though it should be case-insensitive as per RFC 7230 has been fixed.

Multiple minor frontend issues have been fixed to increase stability and user experience.

We would like to thank all Loadero users, who took the time to send us feedback about their experience and share thoughts on how Loadero can be a better fit for their testing needs. This helps us prioritize ongoing tasks to constantly improve user experience, the convenience of creating new tests and working with the results reports. If you would like to share your opinion about Loadero, feel free to send us an email or contact us via the web chat on loadero.com