
What’s New In Loadero (October 2019)

Another month has gone by, soon it will be time to wrap Christmas presents. In October we were mostly working on fixing different issues and improving the overall performance of the application. This has been quite successful and we hope that we will be able to improve the performance even more in the following months.

Here’s a list of the main updates in Loadero this month:

  • We added Google Chrome 78 and Mozilla Firefox 70 browsers
  • Added “latest” browser option – now you can always stay up to date and test on latest browser releases without making a change in your participant configurations
  • In order to extend media capabilities of Loadero, we added the option to use browser built-in media streams
  • We added “Script preview” within the test run report screen – now the script can be inspected from within the report
  • Added Selenium and Browser logs in Load and Session recording tests. This significantly increases debugging capabilities for these test types
  • Now it’s easier to purchase more participants – if you are running out of participants in Subscription payment plan, you can request extra participants
  • We will be changing a couple of API endpoints after December 1st:
    • Removing get user account info via email endpoint (GET /v2/accounts/?email=email@email.com)
    • Fixing a typo in results response for GET /v2/projects/{projectID}/tests/{testID}/runs/{runID}/results/{resultID}/: asssert_results will be removed in favour of asserts
    • Updating the format for Artifact URLs in response for GET /v2/projects/{projectID}/tests/{testID}/runs/{runID}/results/{resultID}/: artifact_paths will be removed in favour of artifacts – this will also add download artifact paths
    • Removing 2 fields in GET /v2/projects/{projectID}/tests/{testID}/runs/{runID}/results/ and GET /v2/projects/{projectID}/tests/{testID}/runs/{runID}/results/{resultID}/ responses – start and end fields that indicated start and end times of tests. Now, these fields will be replaced with processing_started, execution_started, execution_finished and processing_finished fields. Previous start and end values correspond to processing_started and processing_finished fields which indicate times when test has been in processing by Loadero. execution_started and execution_finished fields mark start and end times of actual test execution
  • Improved overall service stability when running load tests
  • Fixed an issue where it was impossible to use emoji in input fields, such as test name, group name, etc.
  • Fixed a bug where WebRTC dump was not retrieved if an alert was open when the test finishes
  • Fixed a bug where avatars could not be uploaded in some cases

This month has been full of events for us as we try to bring you the best features possible! Apart from improving Loadero, we have been helping our colleagues to create a challenge to find the best QA engineer in Latvia! If you think you have the skills to beat the competition, you can still join the fun at testerschallenge.dev! We hope that you will find these features and updates useful when testing your application!

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